Exploring Mae Hong Song

From Landscapes and Sunsets

July 13th, 2017
by Raphael Rychetsky

I spent two week in Khun Yuam, a small town in the Mae Hong Song district. Being basically the only foreigner (farang, how Thais say) is a whole different experience than in Cities like Bangkok or Chiang Mai. People didn’t speak much english and getting vegan food was always an adventure. Good that I had help and was introduced to quite a few restaurants and other places.

The saturday market in Khun Yuam
Meen helped me getting around and showed me many places

Not far from Khun Yuam is the Mae Surin National Park with amazing views and landscapes.

Stunning mountains as fas as you can see.
The amazing landscape at the national park

I saw one of the most amazing sunsets in my life there.

Raphael Rychetsky

Raphael Rychetsky is a travel and landscape photographer.